2025 Regenerative Agriculture & Food Systems Summit USA

2025 Regenerative Agriculture & Food Systems Summit USA

Unifying the food industry to accelerate regenerative agriculture practices through partnership and harmonization

Register Interest for 2025
Chicago, USA
25-27 March, 2025

“The diversity of actors within the agri value chain was a fantastic asset to understanding farm-to-fork! It was great to have both "sides" of the regenerative agriculture sector. By that I mean, those who are the big input producers and those who believe organic and no synthetic inputs are the way forward to have professional discussions in a safe environment.”



Thank you to everyone who contributed to this year's Regenerative Agriculture and Food Systems Summit USA.

It was truly a delight to gather in person with 350 leaders at the Regenerative Agriculture & Food Systems Summit USA. Over three days, we engaged in enriching discussions, critical thinking, and optimistic dialogue aimed at revolutionizing our food system.

Key Takeaways

  • Acknowledging producers as integral parts of the supply chain fosters rapid adoption of regenerative practices.
  • Exploring new financing options is crucial to support investments in regenerative agriculture.
  • Improving traceability and data quality at the producer level is essential for progress.
  • Setting targets provides a shared goal and drives collaboration beyond sustainability departments.



Regenerative Agriculture & Food Systems Summit USA 2024 Highlights


Our purpose is to bring together all stakeholders and be a neutral platform that enables open, constructive, and educational discussions to further progress toward the transition to regenerative practices. We believe everyone deserves a seat at the table and that the best way to effectively bring about change is through peer-to-peer sharing, partnership, and collaboration. 


Consultants/ Investors

  • Position Yourself as a Market Leader: Position yourself at the forefront of the regenerative agriculture movement by showcasing your expertise and securing new clients and partners.

  • Thought Leadership: Participate in critical discussions that define the trajectory of the transition to regenerative agriculture and establish your company as a thought leader in the industry.

  • Regulatory Landscape: Successfully navigate regulatory challenges and opportunities by staying up to date with regulatory changes and understanding the evolving landscape of sustainable and regenerative practices. 


Farmers/ Academics

  • Tell your Story: Share your challenges, experiences, and have your voice heard by CPGs and other vital stakeholders in the room.

  • Case Studies: Gain insights into real-world challenges faced by farmers and other key supply chain players when transitioning. Successfully adopt evidence-based practices and bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

  • Networking Opportunities: Facilitate collaborative partnerships by sharing experiences and challenges as you exchange ideas with other farmers and researchers.


Service Providers

  • Market Expansion Opportunities: Identify new business opportunities and expand your client base by offering solutions tailored to regenerative practices.

  • Showcase Innovative Solutions: Position yourself as a trusted partner by demonstrating your solutions to potential clients and showcasing how your innovation contributes to environmental stewardship.

  • Network and Collaborate: Enhance your credibility and establish your presence in the industry by participating in discussions and connecting face-to-face with 350+ key agri-food players.


NGOs/ Cooperatives

  • Advocacy for Policy Change: Engage with industry leaders to promote policies that incentivize and support the transition to regenerative agriculture. Contribute to the development of a framework that encourages regenerative practices.

  • Showcase Successful Case Studies: Provide tangible examples of how regenerative agriculture has positively impacted communities, ecosystems, and agricultural productivity.

  • Collaboration and Partnership Building: Amplify the impact of your initiatives by forming alliances with other farmers, NGOs, and businesses.


MNCs/ F&B Brands

  • Industry Leadership: Foster partnerships for a collective impact by engaging with decision-makers from across the value chain.
  • Thought Leadership: Provide real-world case studies of how regenerative agriculture has positively impacted your business and establish your company as a thought leader in the industry.

  • Networking: Connect with and learn from 450+ industry leaders from across the supply chain who share your commitment to transforming agriculture for a better future.



  • Industry Leadership: Foster partnerships for a collective impact by engaging with farmers, ingredient suppliers, F&B Brands, and decision-makers from across the value chain.

  • Knowledge Sharing: Scale your projects by identifying strategic opportunities and forming new partnerships.

  • Networking: Build connections with 350+ industry leaders from across the supply chain who share your commitment to transforming agriculture for a better future.



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